United Colors of Benetton
Live Window Project
The Benetton project started when UCA Farnham was approached by Fabrica, United Colors of Benetton's research and design house to help create some student work to be displayed on their windows in major cities. The project was a global idea that wanted students to pick a specific day or holiday and produce a short video that would get the attention of passers by using their large video screen windows.

I decided to focus on World Health Day and produce a video stating life is short and that we should enjoy and live it to the fullest. My designs are seen below. It was a challenging task as a graphic designer to complete a video that showed strong exampled of design in a video format.
Robert Brownjohn was a big inspiration for this project. I looked at this film titles for: "From Russia with Love" and "Goldfinger".
Some other things that inspired my project.
Here are some of the experimental shoots I did to get to my final outcome. I looked at project on different parts of the body in the style of Robert Brownjohn and his James Bond title sequences.


FIrst and live project of 3rd year UCA
